Things to Read


Social Media for Authors Ebook

I’ve collaborated with Josh Peters to create an ebook that is geared at helping authors navigate the social media space.  The ebook is 17 pages long and covers everything from recent social media stats to tools that authors should be using and how they should

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Business or Pleasure?

Every time I take a trip or do something that doesn’t seem like it’s a part of “work” someone asks me if I did it for business or pleasure.  I realize that most people make a distinction between the two and that’s probably because most

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Understanding Your Message

(pic from the entrance to the forbidden city, from my China trip) The social media space is dynamic but as a participant you must remain static in order to create and maintain trust and quality relationships.  The best way to do this is by understanding

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Back from China

I just arrived in my new apartment in San Francisco after an amazing month long trip in China.  I have seen some amazing things and had the opportunity to experience a very unique culture.  Unfortunately my site was banned from China so I wasn’t able

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Social Media, it's a Trust-Thing

by Tom Vanlerberghe Social media have made it quite easy for companies to reach out to their customers, but with it, it released a whirlwind of social media-spam.  In blog comments, Twitter follows and DM’s, Facebook messages,…  If I got a dollar for every ‘Nigerian

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Time To Manage Your Social Media

by Matt Churchill We are surrounded by social media. From RSS feeds and the blogosphere, to Twitter and social networks such as Facebook and Linked In. We are very lucky to have access to all of these wonderful tools that help us to communicate ideas,

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Music, the Social Way

by Ed When Jacob was looking for guest blogs to cover his absence, whilst traveling in China, I thought it the perfect opportunity to further my recent on-line discourse into the subject of social music. Now, social music is not something new, its not groundbreaking

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