Things to Read


Who is the Social Customer?

You might have heard that Social CRM is all around developing strategies around the “social customer”.  But, what exactly is a social customer and what do brands need to know about interacting with her?  Chess Media Group has released a whitepaper with Attensity 360 (which

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Where does PR fit Within Social CRM?

Last week I had the pleasure of presenting at PRSA in New York (thanks Deirdre!) and while my original presentation was supposed to be around community building for PR professionals I decided to mix things up a bit and talk about where PR fits within

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12 of the Best Articles on Social CRM

There are some truly great and thought provoking Social CRM posts out there that I believe to an excellent job of helping move the SCRM space and the discussions around it forward.  I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight some of those posts and

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