Things to Read


The Cost of a Disengaged Employee

I’ve had a lot of interesting discussions lately around employee collaboration and one of the topics I’ve been having conversations around is employee engagement.  Now before I go into more detail I want to stress that engagement in this case doesn’t refer to activity on

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What is the Future of Email?

Gartner has an interesting graphic they created which I stumbled upon after reading a CMSWire article.  The image helps explain the email paradox which is email is not the best method for information sharing and distribution yet it’s not going to go away.  The image compares email

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A Tool, A Tool, My Enterprise for a Tool

This week I’m at the CITE (Consumerization of IT in the Enterprise) conference in San Francisco where I’ve been able to have some interesting conversations with collaboration and IT leaders at various organizations around the world.  I always learn something new from these events and

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Can Small Companies Benefit from Collaboration?

Many of the examples and case studies we are seeing today around emergent collaboration involve companies with thousands of employees around the world.  But, this doesn’t mean emergent collaboration tools and strategies are only for the enterprise.  In fact, nothing could be father from the

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Emergent Collaboration Vendor Review: SkyDox

UPDATED 2/24 Every Friday, I’ll be reviewing a vendor in the emergent collaboration space and will provide an overview on that vendor which includes aspects from leadership and vision to technology and market focus. If you are vendor and would like to participate, please contact

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