Things to Read


What is Fueling Enterprise Collaboration?

It’s interesting to think about why enterprise collaboration is starting to gain momentum and traction (which it is).  A large part of it is due to the consumer web, platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Foursquare, and the like.  As individuals we have become quite used

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Collaboration and Chess

One of the things I love about chess is that the variations of moves in a game are virtually endless.  There are more possible moves in a chess game then there are atoms in the entire universe and more moves then there are seconds that have elapsed since the

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Why Did Microsoft Acquire Yammer?

If you haven’t heard the news yet, Microsoft has officially announced that they acquired Yammer for 1.2 billion dollars.  I’ve had several discussions around this over the past week or so, ever since the rumors first started circulating.  It’s an interesting move and I think

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Work Shouldn't Suck Less

If I hear another vendor, consultant, or employee tell me that they are just trying to “make work suck less” then I’m probably going to lose my mind.  When did this happen?  When did we get so defeated and deflated about work that we had

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Is Adoption the New ROI of Collaboration?

This was the message that Yammer’s CTO and Co-Founder Adam Pisoni delivered at the Info360 Conference in NYC this morning.  While I’m not sure that the title of the presentation translated into the actual content, the presentation itself was great; filled with useful stats, telling

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