Leadership is changing right before our eyes.
To thrive as a leader, you can’t just do things like they’ve always been done. You have to constantly evolve to be ahead of changes and stay on top of your leadership game.
Leaders who adapt to the new world of work are the ones who will find success and future-proof their careers.
Here are five ways to adapt and stay ahead as a leader:
Keep learning
Get rid of the old “heads down” mentality. Stick your head up and start paying attention to what’s happening around you. The world is so connected that what’s happening in another country or company impacts you. Read the news, look at trending stories, listen to podcasts, and watch videos. Give yourself time to be curious and explore.
Talk to people
Push past your own ideas to discover what people think, worry, and ponder about. Talking to people opens your mind to new ideas. Ask your employees, leaders, and peers these questions:
1. What trends are you paying attention to in the world and why?
2. What implications do you see these changes having on leadership, your career, and the organization?
Join groups
Becoming a great leader isn’t a solo effort. Join a group where you can discuss the future, your career, and how the world is changing. The group can be in person or virtual, with people in your industry or a cross-section of the world. Find a group and go all in.
Surround yourself with people who aren’t like you
Your team and support circle shouldn’t just be people who are exactly like you and agree with everything you say. Surround yourself with people who don’t believe the same things as you, look like you, act like you, or think like you. Learn to see things from other people’s perspectives.
Be a lighthouse
Part of adapting and evolving as a leader is understanding that you must take others with you as you grow and develop. A lighthouse without ships in the water is useless. Shine your light on others and lift them up to create an organization and world of future-ready people.
Leadership requires constant evolution. But these five strategies can put you on the fast track to improving as a person and a leader.

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The #1 challenge for organizations right now is how to attract and retain talent. Organizations are stuck in old ways of thinking about work and they are struggling! In my new PDF, I outline 7 ways the workforce is changing and what you and your organization need to do to adapt. The Great Resignation is The Great Opportunity if you are willing to take action! Click here to download the PDF.
