There are a lot of benefits to being an entrepreneur, but there are also a lot of challenges.

Entrepreneurship can be a great career and lifestyle opportunity for many people, but it isn’t for everyone.

Before you take the jump into being your own boss, carefully consider all that it entails.

I made a video about this which you can see below. If you want more content like this then make sure to subscribe to the Be Your Own Boss Podcast Youtube Channel where Blake and I teach you how you can be your own boss.

Here are five reasons you shouldn’t be an entrepreneur. If you can counter all five points, entrepreneurship could be a good fit for you. But if these things apply to you, you may want to re-think entrepreneurship.

1. You need clarity and stability.

With a full-time job, you have some sense of stability and clarity. You know when and where you’ll work, who you’ll work with, the projects you’ll do, and when you’ll get paid. You won’t get that same stability as an entrepreneur, especially when you’re first starting out and don’t know what you should do next or when you’ll get paid. If you need stability and solid footing, you shouldn’t be an entrepreneur.

2. You are afraid of failure.

As an entrepreneur, you’re sure to fail. With a full-time job, you can take on less risk. And the risks you do take often have a lesser chance of failure because you have safety nets of teams and trusted processes. Failing is uncomfortable, but entrepreneurs aren’t afraid to fail. They know failure is a step towards progress and success. If you are afraid to fail, you shouldn’t be an entrepreneur.

3. You are uncomfortable selling.

You can’t succeed as an entrepreneur if you are afraid to sell. Much of entrepreneurship means knowing your worth, sticking to it, and looking people in the eye while you ask for the sale. You have to be comfortable talking about money and not shying away from awkward situations. If you are uncomfortable selling or talking about money, you shouldn’t be an entrepreneur.


We frequently get asked things like: What do we use for courses and email marketing? What platform do we use to find people to join our team? What tools do we use for project and task management? Where do we host and publish podcasts and how do we transcribe them? And More. Well, we just put together the Entrepreneurs’ Online Business Toolkit PDF which will give you a complete breakdown of the tools we sue to run our 7-figure businesses and how we use them. Click here to grab a copy, it will be an invaluable resource in your entrepreneurial journey!


4. You can’t manage ups and downs.

A full-time job brings a steady paycheck, but entrepreneurship brings a roller coaster of money and emotions. You’ll have great months when you close lots of sales and bring in lots of money, and you’ll have bad months when you can’t make a sale. Success comes from being able to manage your emotions and stay level-headed, no matter how well or poorly the business is doing. If you can’t manage ups and downs, you shouldn’t be an entrepreneur.

5. You are uncomfortable being uncomfortable.

As an entrepreneur, you have to push yourself beyond just the tasks you are good at or enjoy doing. There will be things you’ll have to do that will make you uncomfortable and throw you outside your comfort zone. Being an entrepreneur is more than just creating a product or building a brand—it also involves running and growing a business. If you are easily flustered being uncomfortable, you shouldn’t be an entrepreneur.

Being an entrepreneur isn’t for everyone. But if you look at this list and see opportunity and excitement, it could be for you.


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