Does vulnerability have a place at work? If so, then what’s the best way to tap into vulnerability in a work setting? That’s what I aim to uncover in my new book, Leading With Vulnerability.

A part of answering that question is understanding what makes a great leader.

I teamed up with leadership firm DDI. They run an annual global leadership forecast that I was able to tap into, specifically for my leadership and vulnerability research which was featured extensively in my new book.

They have been running an annual study for several years now and have a very good grasp on what makes a great leader. There are 13 behaviors that effective leaders practice.

Everyone has an opinion on what makes a great leader, but what does the actual research and data show? We surveyed almost 14,000 employees around the world representing more than 1,500 organizations, 50 countries, and 24 major industry sectors

Below, we’ll look at what those 13 behaviors are and I’ll provide a comparison of how these behaviors break down across seniority levels. When I first looked at the data, I was completely shocked by what I saw…

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