The world of leadership is continually changing. But how do you know if a change will have lasting impact or if it’s just a fleeting trend?
I’ve interviewed hundreds of CEOs about the greatest trends shaping the future of leadership. These six trends they identify will play a major role in shaping future leaders.
AI and Technology
Technology is evolving at a breathtaking pace, and we’re seeing AI’s power to completely transform how we work and live–just look at how ChatGPT is already impacting numerous industries. But with the excitement of AI comes fear and uncertainty. It’s up to leaders to assuage those fears by looking for ways to implement new technology that augment humans, not replace them.
Pace of Change
We’ve seen incredible changes in the world of work over the last three years–and this is the slowest it will ever be. To be successful, organizations must constantly be looking forward, and leaders must lean in and embrace change instead of shying away. Future leaders must be agile, easily adaptable, and comfortable challenging the status quo.
Purpose and Meaning
Today’s employees care about more than just a paycheck. They want to work for an organization that offers purpose and meaning and to see their efforts are impactful. To set the example, leaders must first understand their own job, purpose, impact, and meaning before helping their employees do the same. They need to get to know employees individually to understand what motivates them.
New Talent Landscape
Today’s talent landscape is unlike anything we’ve ever seen. Layoffs abound, while many companies also struggle to fill open positions. Older employees retiring and younger generations entering the workforce create a unique combination of change in companies. The new talent landscape is a new approach to attracting and retaining talent while also training and upskilling employees to be prepared for the future of work.
Morality, Ethics, and Transparency
Modern leaders are transparent and humble instead of controlling. At the same time, leaders are being scrutinized as people demand transparency. Leaders can no longer hide behind their titles—they must be open and honest to their companies and the public. Standing still is no longer good enough; leaders must take a stand and be as transparent and authentic as possible.
As technology grows, the world becomes more connected and seems smaller. All businesses are now global and have the potential for worldwide employees and customers. Future leaders need to pay attention to global issues and understand what’s happening around the world.
Future-ready leaders need to understand trends and adapt their leadership approach to changes in how we think, work, and live. These six trends will be crucial for leaders over the next decade and beyond.
Are you aware of these six trends? What are you doing to prepare yourself and your organization to face them?
Over the last 15 years, I’ve had the privilege of speaking and working with some of the world’s top leaders. Here are 15 of the best leadership lessons that I learned from the CEOs of organizations like Netflix, Honeywell, Volvo, Best Buy, The Home Depot, and others. I hope they inspire you and give you things you can try in your work and life. Get the PDF here.
