Every romantic relationship faces challenges and bumps along the way.
When the challenges inevitably come, you’re faced with a choice—do you keep things going for the long term, or do you end things because you don’t see a future?
If you choose to keep the relationship going and fight through the challenges, you have to do everything you can to make it work. That might mean making changes to your personal life and routine, working through issues with your partner, compromising, or being interested in their hobbies and activities.
There’s no guarantee that the relationship will last, but at least you can say you did everything you could and gave it your best.
Working for an organization is the same as being in a romantic relationship.
At some point, you’ll inevitably be faced with the choice to make things work with the company or jump ship. The choice may come after the challenge of a bad performance review or if you have a poor relationship with your boss or don’t see growth opportunities.
If you decide the work relationship is worth fighting for, you have to do everything you can to make it work. That might include things like having a tough conversation with your leader, addressing issues, getting more involved with the company—whatever it takes to fight for the relationship.
If the relationship isn’t worth fighting for, then it’s time to move to something else and find another job.
Is your work relationship worth fighting for? If it is, what are you going to do?
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This episode is sponsored by Workplace from Meta.
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