Technology Alone Is Not Enough

It is quite common for people to worry about technological advances such as AI, Automation and self-driving cars. And while these changes are coming, it won’t happen overnight. Watch the video here. […]

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Humans Are Taking Jobs Away From Robots

There is a lot of discussion over whether or not AI and automation will be taking over human jobs in the future, but let’s look at this issue from another viewpoint. What if, in fact, humans have been the ones taking jobs away from robots, AI and automation?[…]

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People Analytics: A New Way to Make Decisions in the Workplace

In the past we have always depended on humans and their ideas, intuitions, and feelings to figure out certain issues in our companies such as how to build teams, work on projects and carry out performance evaluations. Now, we have an increase in devices and ways to collect data in the workplace so we are able to track anything and everything. With this move towards data collection and technology we have a new field emerging, people analytics. […]

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